Posts Tagged ‘Celtic Cross’


Christmas Greetings

Nadelik Lowen – Christmas Greetings and a healthy and prosperous 2019 to One and All!

This is the eleventh consecutive year that I have sent out over 100 Christmas cards which are based on my annual Christmas painting. For over a decade these cards have been delivered around the world to followers of my art, my friends and collectors of my paintings. Some of whom have all eleven cards now. I was going to stop at ten but due to demand I have decided to keep producing them for a while longer, I have however reduced the number slightly for 2018 due to having had zero feedback from a small number of recipients for a few years and I am unsure if some cards were perhaps no longer reaching the right people .

For my 2018 Christmas card I have revisited both the Mousehole Lights and the Cosmic themes with “Cosmic Lights Mousehole – St Clement’s Island Celtic Cross”

Cosmic Lights Mousehole - St Clement’s Island Celtic Cross 2018 acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24in - Chris Billington Christmas Painting 2018 - Modern Art
Cosmic Lights Mousehole – St Clement’s Island Celtic Cross 2018 acrylic on canvas, 24 x 24in

I wish you Love, Light and Peace at Christmas


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