Archive for December, 2010


A Free Limited Edition Print of “Cosmic Lights, Mousehole”

I have produced a Limited Edition Fine Art Print of “Cosmic Lights, Mousehole” to be given away in a free draw, strictly limited to an edition of 10, signed and numbered, they will be exclusively available to fans of my facebook page.

For a chance to win one you simply have to be a member of my page.

Ten lucky winners will be drawn on December 24th from all of the registered fans as at midnight 23rd December. The ten winners will be contacted via their facebook profiles and will have until midnight on December 26th to forward their delivery details to me, failure to do so will mean that I will redraw another winner in their place.  It’s as simple as that, and good luck !!!

Cosmic Lights, Mousehole Ltd Edition - Chris Billington

This is a unique chance to win a strictly limited print taken from my 2010 Christmas painting.  The prints will be posted free to any destination worldwide and these may well be the first in an annual series.

West Briton, Cornish Guardian, The Cornishman feature December 2010

Chris Billington Valencia Christmas Exhibition - West Briton - Cornish Guardian - The Cornishman

Cosmic Lights, Mousehole @ The Stoneman Christmas Show

Last night saw a good turnout, despite the bad weather, for the Private View of  The Stoneman Christmas Show.

On display is my 2010 Christmas painting, “Cosmic Lights, Mousehole”,  which is for sale at £2,500

Cosmic Lights Mousehole (2010) - acrylic on canvas - Chris Billington

Cosmic Lights, Mousehole (2010)  80 cm x 80 cm – acrylic on canvas

Cosmic Lights, Mousehole - Chris Billington @ The Stoneman

“Cosmic Lights, Mousehole” and work by Sir Terry Frost

In addition to my “Cosmic Lights, Mousehole”, and  work by other gallery artists,  a special feature of the show – and ideal for anyone looking to buy a reasonably priced Christmas gift – is a room hung floor to ceiling with works, in a wide range of styles and mediums, and all costing less than £500.

Stoneman Christmas Exhibition room

The Christmas Show will run until mid January

Stoneman Gallery
56 Chapel Street
TR18 4AE

Gallery opening times Monday – Saturday 10.30 – 5.00

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