Archive for November, 2010


Viva Valencia – Colectiva Internacional de Navidad 2010, Valencia

I am delighted to be exhibiting in Spain for the first time ever at the Colectiva Internacional de Navidad 2010 in Valencia.

Viva Valencia (2010) - acrylic on canvas - Chris Billington

Viva Valencia (2010) – 80cm x 80cm acrylic on canvas

Three of my paintings, commissioned especially for the show, will be featured  at the Colectiva Internacional where they will be exhibited alongside works from artists from Slovenia, Holland, Spain and America.

Fandangos in Space (2010) - acrylic on canvas - Chris Billington

Fandangos In Space (2010) – 80cm x 80cm acrylic on canvas

The exhibition runs from December 3rd 2010 – January 31st 2011

Studio Bautista is located in Valencia in Calle del Mar, 25, ed. 4 pta. 3. 46003 Valencia (Spain)

Las Fallas (2010) - acrylic on canvas - Chris Billington

Las Fallas (2010) – 80cm x 80cm acrylic on canvas

Studio Bautista is located in Valencia in Calle del Mar, 25, ed. 4 pta. 3. 46003 Valencia (Spain)

Wednesday through Saturday from 18 to 21 h. Visits outside of these times are by appointment by calling 636 973 823.

To contact call 961 465 541 or 636 973 823 or. Email:

Twitter Art Exhibition Moss Norway

In response to David Sandum’s “Call for artists” to donate postcard sized work for his Twitter art exhibition in Moss Norway here is my 7″ x 5″  contribution,  “WIN WIN Situation”

WIN WIN Situation

WIN WIN Situation (2010) – 7 inches x 5 inches acrylic on board

All proceeds from the sale of the works on display will go to help with purchasing children’s books for the public library,  which has just had it’s funding cut.

The exhibition was organised through David with his aim of bringing together many artists from around the world via the social network site Twitter for the benefit of local children in his home town of Moss in Norway. David has successfully achieved a high level of support and I am sure that the exhibition will raise a lot of money for those much needed books.

The exhibition will be on display at the Public Library in Moss, Norway and runs from December 1st – 30th.

Black and White – Stoneman Gallery


Lizard Light - Sir Terry Frost RA

Lizard Light – Sir Terry Frost RA

The current exhibition at the Stoneman  Gallery is an interesting show of monochrome images including paintings , monoprints, prints and photographs from a wide range of national and international acclaimed artists. Including Anthony Frost, Rose Hilton, Terry Frost, G W Bot , Manuel Franquelo, Eve Arnold, Fay Godwin and Ian Mckeever..

monoprint 17 - Ian McKeever RA

monoprint 17 – Ian McKeever RA

The exhibition runs from 29 October – 26 November.

Stoneman Gallery
56 Chapel Street
TR18 4AE

Gallery opening times Monday – Saturday 10.30 – 5.00

Cornwall Today Feature November 2010

Chris Billington - Cornwall Today November 2010

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