Archive for October, 2011


The ARThouse Gallery

Following on from a recent meeting with curator and gallery owner Paul Watts I am absolutely delighted to announce that I am now being represented by one of the most prestigious galleries in the UK, The ARThouse Gallery in Bournemouth.

TheARThouse Gallery - Bournemouth - Chris Billington

TheARThouse Gallery - Bournemouth - Chris Billington

More news on this exciting development will follow soon……

Selected Works in Private & Public Collections

……. 15 new works added to the “Selected Works in  Private & Public Collections” Gallery added this evening, more will be added in due course…….

X-Ray Machine

X-Ray Machine, my most recent sound and video excursion is now up on YouTube, it is also available in HD.

Interestingly I have recently seen a version of my video “New York New York” which has been taken, adapted and re-uploaded to YouTube with a different soundtrack…..

Studio News – October 2011

I am currently working on several projects, including the new paintings which are for exhibition next year, and also my design for Sequoia Tees in Amsterdam which is a most exciting project for me.

I shall continue with the updating of my Selected Works in Private Collections Gallery in a few days and I will also be updating my collection of Saatchi Prints for sale.

Also my latest experiment in sound and video is now being uploaded to YouTube, more details of all of the above and more to follow ……


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