Talking Art and Music With SourceFM Radio

On Friday I shall be talking Art and Music with SourceFM as a guest on Andy Coote’s radio show, Thank Source It’s Friday.

We will be discussing my newly launched Cornish  record label jynnji, and I will be sharing some music with Andy and his listeners, and hopefully including one or two exclusive first radio airings.

Also I shall be doing an official handover of my 2015 painting ‘Six Choughs Over Kynance’ which I donated to the recent SourceFM Crowdfunding project which was run to raise funds for their much needed studio accessibility upgrade.

SourceFM is one of those most valuable of resources, a proper community radio station, run by the local people for the benefit of the local people.

I am absolutely delighted that ‘Six Choughs Over Kynance’ sold for £600 .   As a result of all of the hard work of the SourceFM team and thanks to the generosity of the Cornish community on 1st October 2018 SourceFM successfully raised £6,130 with 95 supporters in 35 days.

Six Choughs Over Kynance, 2015, 12 x 12in - Chris Billington sold for £600 for SourceFM Crowdfunder October 2018

Six Choughs Over Kynance, 2015, 12 x 12in – sold for £600 for SourceFM

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