Anthem for Leonard Cohen – There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.
An homage to the words, music, art and life of the late Leonard Cohen (September 21, 1934–November 7, 2016).
There are no words that I can add to the many glowing tributes to Leonard Cohen that have been published these past few weeks.
His precisely crafted poems and songs were light bringers, cloaked in darkness, resonating with millions across the generations. He had the skill to make the complex seem effortless but the poems and lyrics of Leonard Cohen often took many agonising years to perfect. The song Anthem took Leonard Cohen a decade to complete. My small gesture of appreciation of the same name is a piece of digital art. In contrast to Leonard my Anthem has only taken a mere 100 or so hours to create but it is a conduit of my feelings of love for the man and his work.
Thank you for your beautiful life Leonard Cohen.
The thumbnail links to a larger image which has also been added to my Computer Art | Digital Art | Machine Art Gallery.