First Sold Painting for 2014

Well this has been another wonderful start to a year, with my first sold painting for 2014 in what seems to be a trend with several sold paintings in the first few days of January over the previous years.

Last January I started the year with a sale to New York quickly followed by another sale here in Cornwall. This year my first sold painting has gone to a lovely young couple from Bristol who visited my studio earlier today, and it couldn’t be much earlier in the year than January 2nd.

I am sure that their newly acquired painting of ‘The Boat House’, which I completed in 2009, will bring them them many years of enjoyment.

The Boat House (2009) ~ 60cm X 80cm ~ Sold Painting, January 2014 ~ Chris Billington

The Boat House (2009) ~ 60cm X 80cm ~ Sold Painting, January 2014 ~ Chris Billington


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