Chris Billington @ World Arts

I am very excited to announce that i am now being represented by Stephen Ballard at World Arts.

Stephen is most enthusiastic about my work and will be introducing me to new markets in Russia, The Middle East and China.

4 Responses to “Chris Billington @ World Arts”

  1. Tim Lewis says:

    You, your art. WOW is all i can say. I’m stuck for word’s. (very rare) I am loving the exploration of deep colour’s and how they are fused to the canvas. In one word:

  2. Chris says:

    Thank you Tim, your comments on my work and my colours are very much appreciated.

  3. Chris- the tension created with flat and transparent shapes executing dimension and space emanates from the screen and is physically moving.

  4. Chris says:

    Thank you very much Terri.

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